For every challengeor opportunity for growth that I have, Rebecca provides me with the sharpest pair of eyes to look within and acts as a trusted confidant to share share insight on all that I see.
— Garrett S. - Hedge Fund Manager, Puerto Rico

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Have you ever sat down to speak with someone and instantly felt like you’re surrounded with warmth and love, kind of like that favorite blanket? Have you ever spoken with someone who was so in tune to how you felt and emoted and understood the depths of your soul that you sensed that they had known you forever? Well, if not, I’d like to introduce you to Rebecca Shaw. What an absolutely incredible session that taught, validated and guided me towards resolution and contentment.
— Barbara Horton, Fort Worth, TX


Working with Rebecca is a no-brainer investment. I’m a firm believer that the success of my business and my overall wellbeing depends on my ability to tackle root and core issues that hold me back, regardless of how tumultuous, scary or overwhelming those self-sabotaging behaviors may seem. The VIP sessions I’ve had with Rebecca have accelerated my personal growth in a way that I could never do on my own and have helped to clear blocks that have directly transcended to an increase in my bottom line. I highly recommend Rebecca and her services and if you’re hesitating or feel unsure, that’s a sure sign, in my mind, that you should and need to make the leap. You won’t regret it.
— Shauna Van Bogart, Business Coach

I have struggled with procrastination my whole life. Do you know how many psychologists I’ve seen over the years and they haven’t been able to get to this? You’re amazing!
— Deanna, Age 50, Corporate Insurance Sales

Rebecca turns personal development and professional achievement into an empowering step-by-step, magical journey that will help you identify what it is you really want, what’s preventing you from getting it, and how to break through any barriers to take action and transform your life forever. And she delivers it with a level of passion, power and playfulness that makes this transformational process not only moving, but thoroughly inspiring and enjoyable.
— Laurie Miller, Business Owner, Costa Mesa, CA

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Rebecca is an expert in personal transformation. In 30 minutes, she can tell you what is holding you back with any problem. She gives you the map AND the tools to overcome inner limiting beliefs and emotions.
— Dr. Norris Phillbeck, O.D.
Rebecca provides an amazing vehicle for looking at your life, mapping out a mission, and determining what’s holding you back and what you need to move forward.
— Aleta Riesberg, Anchorline Properties
I had quite a wish list when I invested in Rebecca’s 12 month transformation program. I had constant problems with money. I was a constant worrier about everything. I hated my job because I felt overworked and underpaid. And my mother-in-law was driving me crazy with her constant intrusion into our family life! One year later, I feel like I am a totally different person! With Rebecca’s help, I have overcome my hidden money blocks which has helped me to feel more confident about myself and renegotiate the terms of my job so that I get paid more to work less hours. I draw much better boundaries with my mother-in-law now. On top of all that, my brother died last year from cancer and my work with Rebecca has helped me to get past the grief. And despite the tragic loss, I am actually feeling really positive and hopeful about my life and what is possible for me now. Rebecca, the tools you gave me and the ability to get constant insights and feedback from you were priceless! Thank you!”

— Traci M. - Marketing Manager, Charleston, SC

If you’re serious about really making a change NOW and becoming the highest version of yourself, Rebecca’s coaching and personal achievement programs are not a ‘should,’ they are a ‘must.’
— John Saalfield, Business Owner - NC

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Rebecca has helped me and other family members over the years. She is easy to talk to. She understands and crafts strategies to really help & make a difference. Issues that I thought that were too hard tackle or something that I just had to live with have been resolved. I am happier, healthier and more positive with Rebecca’s expertise!
— Sara Clark, Food & Beverage Services
Rebecca is definitely the real deal. When I left her office there was no room left in my mind for any kind of doubt. I now know what I need to do to work towards the outcome I would like in my life.
— Carol H, Business Owner
I was physically abused as a child and a long-time relationship and marriage was ending. I felt abandoned, hurt, and alone. Rebecca showed me the way to healing and happiness. The help I’ve received will serve me the rest of my life.
— Kathryn K, Charleston, SC
Rebecca helped me uncover and understand the hidden blocks that have kept me from moving forward in my life. I left my session feeling energized and yet - at peace. I feel as though a giant weight has been lifted off of me. I wish everyone could have this experience!
— Bernie G, Boeing Corporation